Online Registration Open for the 13th Sarajevo Business Forum/Otvorena online registracija za 13. Sarajevo Business Forum

Obilježavanje Dana nezavisnosti Bosne i Hercegovine u Ambasadi BiH u Londonu.

Ambasador sa specijalnim izaslanikom britanskog premijera za Zapadni Balkan, lord Stuart Peachom i Waqar Azmi, predsjedavajući organizacije Remembering Srebrenica


Sarajevo Business Forum serves as a premier platform for networking, knowledge sharing and exploring investment opportunities in the dynamic business landscape of South Eastern Europe. This three day conference will bring together key industry leaders, government officials and potential investors, providing a unique opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions and foster strategic partnership.
Detailed agenda and updated information will be at official page www.sarajevobusinessforum.com
13. Međunarodna investicijska konferencija “Sarajevo Business Forum 2024” se održava u Sarajevu od 21-23. maja 2024. godine, u organizaciji Bosna Bank International Sarajevo (BBI) uz podršku Ministarstva vanjskih poslova Bosne i Hercegovine. Detaljna agenda SBF ce biti blagovremeno objavljena i ažurirana na oficijelnoj web stranici www.sarajevobusinessforum.com
#SarajevoBusinessForum #MinistryofForeignAffairs #BosnaBankInternational #bosniaandherzegovina
#savethedatesbf2024 Sažmi

DISCOVER THE 12th SARAJEVO BUSINESS FORUM – 17th and 18th May 2023
Bosna Bank International (BBI) has announced the 12th Sarajevo Business Forum (SBF) for May 17th and 18th 2023, in the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. A meeting place for leading institutional and private business people from all over the world with businessmen and project owners from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Slovenia and Albania.
The twelfth SBF in a row, a prestigious and recognizable platform for business networking and researching investment and business opportunities in the countries of Southeast Europe, is organized aiming to boost economic development of all countries in the region. The event offers to all its participants two days of cross-border experience of interesting panels, discussions, and business networking. With the presence of more than 1,500 domestic, regional and world representatives of governments, ministries, investors, and representatives of business communities coming from around 50 countries around the world, presentations of over 200 investment projects and business opportunities, more than 400 G2G organizations are expected at the 12th SBF /G2B/B2B meetings with the presence of over 200 media representatives from BiH, countries of the region and the world.
Recognizing the importance of the joint performance of countries from the region, Bosna Bank International (BBI), in cooperation with its shareholders and numerous domestic and international partners, started organizational preparations for the upcoming Sarajevo Business Forum – a leading meeting platform that almost always results in new and better investments and it also represents a business base, which can primarily be used by key business decision-makers in the country, as well as all visitors, exhibitors and participants. The SBF will be an excellent opportunity for discussions about the economic environment and the challenges we will face in 2023 as well. The confirmed response of panelists, participants and sponsors promises a high-quality and diverse conference program with research and development presentations from leading companies, especially in the fields of energy efficiency, electromobility, energy storage, and the IT industry. Sustainable business practices are the central pillar of corporate strategies in managing a healthy balance between environmental and economic interests, social responsibility, or diversity.
As part of the 12th SBF 2023, numerous panels are planned with proposed solutions, when it comes to the energy and climate crisis, and on modalities of more successful economic cooperation and ways of encouraging and attracting investments in all countries of the Western Balkans, with the aim of faster economic development. Models of public-private partnerships and investments in key infrastructure areas in the countries of the Western Balkans will also be discussed, as well as better regional cooperation with the aim of creating a more prosperous future. The participants of the SBF will try together to come up with a solution on how, through the removal of trade barriers and better economic – regional connectivity, they can jointly improve the sustainable development of the economies of the Western Balkan countries, better standards of citizens and prevent the departure of people.
During its 12th year of operation, SBF became one of the largest business events in the region and in the Southeast Europe that has a positive impact on building the image of the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a destination for investment and economic development.

Reception and an exhibition in honor of the artist Sonya Radan
30.09.2022. The Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in London hosted a reception and an art exhibition by the artist Sonya Radan, originally from Sarajevo, who with this exhibition marked 30 years of her creativity in London, where she continuously works exploring various artistic forms and techniques – oil and acrylic on canvas, paint on glass and silk, collages and sculptures on wood. She is a member of the Brent-London artists’ association as well as ULUBiH. She has been working as an art therapist for years in the UK as well as in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 2008, she was chosen to represent Bosnia and Herzegovina among 42 countries at the large exhibition “Mediterraneo” (“The sea that unites us”) in the Italian Cultural Institute London. Her work was presented in 2016 in the anthology and monograph “Lighthouse” of Bosnian-Herzegovinian artists outside the borders of their native country. Sonja recently exhibited a series of sculptures/paintings “Memory of Trees” at the Saatchi Gallery, London. She was chosen as a leading artist in the Global Program “Eyes of the World”, presented by START.art. You can read more about the work of this artist at www.sonyaradan.com.